Here's What Your Marriage Horoscope Says About the Future of Your Relationship

Learn all about the astrology behind your wedding date—including tips on how to use this information to strengthen your union.

bride and groom kissing amongst a mountainous backdrop with white flowers surrounding them

Photo by Michelle Flores

If you're interested in astrology, we're sure you've already researched your and your partner's compatibility based on your zodiac signs. But did you know that you can use this ancient practice to gain insight into your marriage? Just like your birthday, the date of your wedding (and its associated zodiac sign) can offer clues about your union—and today, many couples look to the stars to get a glimpse into how their marriage will pan out.

Before you completely dive in and start researching your marriage horoscope, however, it's important to understand that astrology isn't the end-all, be-all relationship barometer. Since there are so many things that impact the success of a marriage—healthy communication, patience, teamwork, and vulnerability, to name a few—coupled with the fact that all relationships are different, using astrology should be a secondary tool when trying to learn more about your union. That said, it can be a fun way to "look into the future" and study the themes that might impact your love connection.

Interested in learning more? We asked astrologers Ophira Edut, Tali Edut, and Monisha Holmes to provide a breakdown of every marriage horoscope. Here, they explain what your wedding date portends for your marriage, as well as how to live happily ever after based on your wedding date.

Meet the Expert

  • Ophira and Tali Edut, also known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers who reach millions worldwide.
  • Monisha Holmes is an astrologer, writer, model, and mental health professional.

Aries Marriages: March 21—April 19

Aries is a very adventurous, bold, and independent sign. So if you tied the knot during this time, you and your partner are bound to thrive as individuals, Ophira and Tali share. Your marriage should be filled with lots of spontaneity, too. Think: Last-minute getaways, exciting dinner dates, and unexpected romantic surprises. But be careful not to get too competitive with each other, as Aries couples tend to do.

"You can find peace in knowing that an Aries marriage will feel empowering for each individual, and encourage independence within the marriage," Holmes adds. "Both you and your spouse should have the space for personal growth and solo-self development."

Taurus Marriages: April 20—May 20

Good news: You and your partner are destined to have a very grounded marriage, notes Ophira and Tali. Since Taurus is an extremely sensual, decadent sign, you and your spouse will also enjoy the finer things in life—and you're definitely not afraid to indulge your taste for luxury. "Taurus marriages are fun-loving and comforting—and dare I say expensive?" Holmes explains. "Spontaneous trips to try the latest trending dessert, and weekend flights to explore the luxuries of another country will be the spice that keeps your marriage exciting."

Gemini Marriages: May 21—June 20

Ophira and Tali share that communication is key within Gemini marriages. You'll have a really talkative marriage, and there will be a constant dialogue going on between you and your other half. "A Gemini marriage will bring out the socialite and journalist within you and your partner, are you taking notes?" says Holmes. "This marriage requires a readiness to be both partners and confidants, prompting you and your lover to develop your communication skills."

Additionally, since these marriages crave variety, keep things interesting by taking part in new activities together, Ophira and Tali share. Sign up for an exotic cooking class, learn how to surf this summer, or even go skydiving if you're up for it. Don't get scattered in too many directions, however: You need to remember to prioritize your time together.

Cancer Marriages: June 21—July 22

Home is where the heart is for Cancers—and you'll really enjoy pampering your partner (and vice versa). Cooking together will also be a major theme in your marriage, Ophira and Tali share. What's more, don't be surprised if you have a lot of cutesy nicknames for each other.

"A Cancer marriage truly does call for martial partners to bring out their sentimental and nurturing sides," Holmes explains. "When marriage supports the safety of lovers then the freedom to experience the emotionally delicate and ethereal side of commitment opens up." However, those within Cancer marriages are prone to becoming homebodies, so be sure to get out and stay connected to friends and family.

Leo Marriages: July 23—August 22

According to Ophira and Tali, Leo couples are likely to have a very dramatic, theatrical, and passionate marriage. You both have strong opinions and you're certainly not shy about sharing them. But while it's nice that there's a lot of romance and passion, these marriages are prone to getting too dramatic sometimes. This could result in a power struggle, so be careful not to boss each other around.

Holmes adds: "Leo marriages are the types that bring forth true power couplings as if being couple goals is a part of the marriage assignment. In many cases, even if individuals within the partnership have their own dreams and responsibilities, committing to a remarkable marriage will still remain a part of the plan."

Virgo Marriages: August 23—September 22

Virgo is an extremely organized, refined, and healthy sign. Therefore, you and your spouse will pay attention to the little things and will be all about the details, notes Ophira and Tali. But fair warning: Don't fall into the perfectionism trap. "Within a Virgo marriage, there are many more reasons to be a bit of a perfectionist. These marriages mean well, though they can feel as though they come with a sizable amount of pressure," notes Holmes.

On a lighter note, however, Virgo marriages bring forth couples who naturally want to help each other out. "Lovers married during Virgo season spend the rest of their lives being called to serve each other," shares Holmes. Ultimately, you are your partner's cheerleader and they are yours.

Libra Marriages: September 23—October 22

Libra is the sign that rules marriage, which is probably why October is one of the biggest wedding months. In regards to Libra marriages, specifically, they are very much about balance and give and take from both partners, Ophira and Tali explain. "In a Libra marriage, you and your spouse are likely to feel a strong sense of partnership, as if you have met your permanent partner in crime and harmonizer," Holmes adds. The relationship is a real priority to you and your spouse.

The danger lies in losing your individuality, however. Remember to break out of the couple bubble and do things on your own. Another thing to look out for? "Depending on the length and gravity developed within your partnership, this marriage will require patience and understanding—thinking of two instead of one takes time!" Holmes explains.

Scorpio Marriages: October 23—November 21

Scorpio is an extremely intense sign, so there's bound to be a ton of intimacy and passion in your marriage (and you should have no problem keeping the romance alive over the years), Ophira and Tali share. "Scorpio marriages are meant for deep soul seekers. Throughout your marriage, your spouse and you will be on a path of knowing each other thoroughly and entirely, as if you two are the main characters in each other’s life," Holmes further explains. "This marriage is filled with secrets between lovers, passionate dates, and plenty of privacy."

Scorpio is also a sign of power and control, though, so jealousy issues can crop up down the line. Be careful and make sure that if you're feeling hurt, talk about it immediately. You don't want to let a power struggle ruin your marriage.

Sagittarius Marriages: November 22—December 21

The Sagittarius couple is very outgoing, adventurous, and worldly. As a result, there will most likely be a lot of travel in your future, Ophira and Tali note. You're constantly learning and taking classes together, and you're both incredibly open-minded as well. "Sagittarius marriages are so playful and curious, encouraging you and your spouse to feel as though life is your playground. Seeking to see the world and getting lost in seemingly endless philosophical conversations will keep your marriage alive," Holmes adds. Nevertheless, you and your spouse may be prone to take a lot of risks, particularly financially, so try not to live too much on the edge and hold down the fort at home.

Capricorn Marriages: December 22—January 19

According to Ophira and Tali, Capricorn is the sign of tradition, which is why this winter wedding typically happens around Christmastime or the New Year. You and your partner are all about legacy and honoring your heritage, and you'll love celebrating the holidays and carrying on traditions from your childhood. But one thing you both need to work on is learning to enjoy the present instead of always planning for your future.

Holmes further shares: "Within a Capricorn marriage, you and your spouse become more careful and calculated as lovers—setting aside sweet sentiments on the surface to focus on the practicalities of building a long-lasting marriage. While Capricorn marriages may come off as intimidating to some, those who make it work are notably impressive."

Aquarius Marriages: January 20—February 18

The Aquarius marriage can best be described as unconventional, quirky, and modern. You're each other's best friend, but you're also a very social couple that hosts a ton of parties, note Ophira and Tali. You enjoy going out and being among a big crowd. "In many facets of life, Aquarian marriages offer a sense of freedom to explore unconventional ideas and practices," Holmes adds. "At best, marriage helps you focus more on individuality, and allows for the liberty to develop apart from the marriage." That being said, to keep your marriage strong, it's important to make sure you set aside enough one-on-one time together.

Pisces Marriages: February 19—March 20

Pisces is the sign of fantasy, imagination, romance, and creativity. Meaning, you and your spouse are no doubt an incredibly dreamy match; expect vow renewals and anniversary getaways in your future. Beware of getting too much out of touch with reality, however. You don't want to let your emotions take over to the point where you aren't grounded as a couple and begin to overspend to accommodate your creative endeavors, Ophira and Tali explain.

"A Pisces marriage is the tenderizer that almost magically brings you and your lover together—just be careful about indulging too carelessly into fairy tales," Homles adds. "This marriage inspires a sense of faith and belief in happily ever after, making this marriage feel like a heart opener."

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